How do you Increase Speed?

Let’s talk about how you can take your speed training to the next level.

Speed is a crucial component of athletic performance. I believe that by incorporating a well-rounded training regimen, you can unlock your true potential.

Let’s discuss key elements of speed training, including lifting heavy weights, sprints, lifting weights fast, and plyometrics.

Lifting Heavy Weights:

  • To build the necessary strength for explosive speed, incorporate heavy weightlifting into your routine. Exercises like squats, deadlifts, and bench presses help improve overall strength and power.

  • Focus on compound movements to engage multiple muscle groups, promoting better coordination and stability during sprints and other speed-related activities.


  • Sprints are the foundation of speed training. They help develop your stride length and frequency while enhancing your cardiovascular fitness.

  • Incorporate various sprint distances, such as short sprints (20-40 meters) for acceleration and longer sprints (100-400 meters) for top-end speed.

Lifting Weights Fast (Explosive Lifts):

  • Explosive lifts like power cleans, snatches, and weighted jumps are invaluable for increasing your explosive strength, which translates directly to speed.

  • These exercises teach your body to generate power rapidly, enhancing your ability to accelerate quickly and maintain high-speed levels.


  • Plyometric exercises, such as broad jumps, depth jumps, and bounding drills, improve your muscle elasticity and stretch-shortening cycle, both crucial for explosive speed.

  • Plyometrics enhance your ability to change direction rapidly and improve your reactive strength, which is vital in sports like basketball, soccer, and football.

To create an effective speed training program, consider the following tips:

Periodization: Develop a structured training plan that includes periods of high-intensity workouts, recovery, and skill-specific drills to prevent overtraining and maximize gains.

Proper Warm-Up: Always warm up before your speed training sessions to reduce the risk of injury. Dynamic stretches and mobility exercises can help prepare your body for explosive movements.

Rest and Recovery: Allow your body adequate time to recover between intense training sessions. Recovery is when your muscles adapt and become stronger.

Nutrition: Fuel your body with the right nutrients to support muscle growth and recovery. Protein, carbohydrates, and healthy fats are essential components of your diet.

Remember that consistency and patience are key to seeing improvements in your speed. It's also advisable to consult with a coach or trainer who can tailor a speed training program to your specific needs and goals.

I hope you find these insights helpful in your pursuit of speed excellence. By incorporating these elements into your training regimen, you'll be well on your way to achieving your speed and performance goals.

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Why Should You Lift Heavy?